Olá! me chamo Josi, tenho 22 anos, crescida em Carapicuíba/SP - Brazil 🇧🇷
Conheci o mundo dos games com 4 anos de idade, sempre fui muito competitiva e fascinada por este universo, ate que com 6 anos ganhei meu primeiro computador, e logo de cara descobri minha paixão por FPS! (CS 1.6).
Em 2016 conheci o CS:GO e simplesmente ME APAIXONEI! Passava literalmente o dia inteiro jogando, conheci grandes amigos que levo pra minha vida ate hoje e que me ajudaram muito a começar a competir no feminino (eu nem fazia ideia que existia competições e que poderia receber por jogar) ate que apareceu minha primeira oportunidade de entrar em uma organização de esports em 2019, pois eu me destacava em alguns times fakes que passei. Desde então, nunca mais parei de jogar e quero levar isto para minha vida, fiquei em terceiro lugar no mundial pelo MIBR, fui a primeira mulher brasileira a ir jogar no cenário feminino da europa pela BIG Clan, ficando na alemanha por 3 meses, alem de ter sido indicada algumas vezes como melhor jogadora de CS do Brasil, e pelo Premio Esports Brasil.
Hi, my name is Josi, I'm 22 years old, I grew up in Carapicuíba/SP - Brazil 🇧🇷
I got to know the world of games when I was 4 years old, I was always very competitive and fascinated by this universe, until at the age of 6 I got my first computer, and right away I discovered my passion for FPS! (CS 1.6).
In 2016 I got to know CS:GO and I simply fell in love! I literally spent the whole day playing, I met great friends that I've carried with me to this day and who helped me a lot to start competing in women's games (I had no idea that there were competitions and that I could get paid for playing) until my first opportunity to join an esports organization appeared in 2019, because I stood out in some fake teams that I passed. Since then, I've never stopped playing and I want to take this into my life, I came third in the world for MIBR, I was the first Brazilian woman to play in the women's scene in Europe for BIG Clan, staying in Germany for 3 months, in addition to being nominated a few times as the best CS player in Brazil, and by the Esports Brazil Award.
SteelSeries Apex Pro TKL 2023
Endgame OP1 8K
LGG Saturn PRO V2
HyperX Cloud II White/Pink
Flexform Delta
Logitech C920 HD PRO
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
Asus Dual GeForce RTX 4060 Ti White OC Edition 8GB
-allow_third_party_software / settings keyboard: rapid trigger WASD (0.5) ctrl (1) - 1,2,3,4,5 (1) no rapid trigger: space 2
Fluxo Demons
W7M Esports
BIG Equipa
ESL Impact SA Winter Cash Cup 22
panelinha s2 (Fake team with friends) - line: yungher, goddess, annaEX, julih
Rainhas do Clutch FERJEE 2024 - @LAN Rio de Janeiro/BR ✈️
ESL Impact SA Autumn Cash Cup 19
panelinha s2 (Fake team with friends) - line: annaEX, le^, yungherr, goddess
ESL Impact League Season 6 - @LAN, Stockholm/SWE ✈️